Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Our Idea

This is a pitch of our idea so far...

We are going to have a car traveling down a private farm road. it will be late at night so in the dark, and the viewer won't really know why the car is travelling down this road. the first shot will be of the car turning off the main road. The audience will be unsure as to where the car is going and why at this point. after this their will be various shots of the car traveling towards the yard where the driver will park in front of some barns/machinery/scrap.. the sequence will probably go on for a while to create tension in the opening. Our soundtrack will be playing all the way through but it will be very quiet so that as the car travels down the road the sound of the gravel can be heard.
The driver will carry on down the road here, we will have a shot taken form behind the driver, so the viewer can see the drivers hands, the steering wheel and speed that he is going and the road ahead of him, i think this shot will work quite well and can create more tension. Eventually the car will come to a stop as it pulls into the yard area. The driver will get out of the car and walk around to the boot.
(POSSIBLE:)... Where he will get out what the viewer will assume to be a body.
We may possibly at this point have the boot shutting, him maybe locking the car and dropping the body as really quick shots where you can hear the sound each of these things make and they are sped up. this is just an idea, as we don't know whether doing this will ruin the flow of the film as before this part it has been quite slow and calm.
He drags the body to the barn and leaves the door ajar. Once he is in the barn he leaves the body, and leaves the barn shutting the door behind him. here, there will be a shot of darkness, from inside the barn and then the title of the film will come up on the screen in white writing. then the entire shot will fade to complete blackness.
Other titles will appear on the screen throughout the sequence probably quite small and in white to contrast the darkness. fading in and out probably.
I think that this sequence is clear to the audience that it is a thriller and also if it was to be made into a film it would set up a story quite well in my opinion. as the audience does not know too much information, and will want to know who was body, why he was killed adn who the driver of the car was?

Originally we had thought of the idea of filming the sequence on a rainy night, however, we are limited with our shooting days so may not be able to shoot on a nght where it is raining, although this definitely is an idea we are keen on.

We have also had to think alot about lighting for our piece, as the camera's are not top quality they may make the sequence appear slightly grainy because of the darkness, although we do intend to use the car headlights as our only source of light, this is intentional, as we dont want to show too much of the setting, the shots will probably all be framed by complete blackness.

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