Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Aprroximate shot by shot

shot 1: camera height at eye level looking down at a an empty road, for approx 5 seconds. cross fade to shot 2 (during fade - introduction of music)

shot 2:camera height at eye level, at the corner to the entrance of the road; with the car approaching form the distance coming towards the camera to then turn right out of the still shot.

shot 3: camera height at eye level in the middle of the bridge looking at/over the hump, waiting for the car to approach from the other side. (approx 2 -3 secs)

shot 4: cemera height at eye level looking at the bridge from the right; side on. The car is already moving from the previous shot. Car leaves the shot to the left. (approx 2 -3 secs)

shot 5: camera height at eye level looking at the bridge from the left slightly head on. The car is over the bridge an leaves the shot to the right. (approx 2 -3 secs)

shot 6: camera placed in the car over the shoulder of the driver capturing the road ahead . able to see some of the dash board and the top half of the steering wheel with the drivers hands. (approx 3 -4 secs)

shot 7: camera placed on the floor in the middle of the road looking down the road, very symmetrical. car approaches from distance and drives over camera; when under the car fade to next shot. (approx 4 - 5secs)

shot 8: close up of drivers left hand inside the car steering round the corner still hiding identity. (approx 1 - 2 secs)

shot 9: camera height high above the car looking down at the road at an angle. The car leaves out the top of the shot from the center; no camera movement. (approx 1 - 2 secs)

shot 10: camera height just above the floor with the front left tire of the car in the right hand side of the screen, car is stationary. Driver walks from the right hand side of the screen to the left dragging the body retrieved from the boot behind him towards the barn on the left across the shot (approx 4 - 5 secs) sound of engine and gravel.

shot 11: close up of the lock to the barns door on the left ( the whole of the lock full height of the shot), the drivers hand holding a key comes from right side of the screen and unlocks door slowly; pulls key out and pushes barn door inwards.

shot 12: inside the barn, camera at eye level looking down at the opening to the barn revealing only the drivers knees. Driver drags body inside the door dropping it just inside the barn. Driver stands momentarily then drops something on te bodys shoulder.

shot 13: close up of body's left arm dominating the bottom half of the screen, revealing the driver standing just outside the door slowly



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