Thursday, 13 March 2008

Music Score - Justification

As it has been said before the film Mulholland Drive (David Lynch 2001) was incredibly influential to the cinematography of our piece. It was also used as a model for our musical score, whilst their is no diegetic sound in the opening of Mulholland Drive their is a cleverly produced soundtrack, we tried our hardest to imitate a similar type of aura through the non diegetic sound. however this task proved harder than originally thought, as we were only allowed to use garage band to produce our soundtrack and not bring in any other music, making it sound professional and effective was difficult, partly because we were very limited in our selection and that the clips of music weren't long enough to stretch the whole length of the sequence, we had to try and overlap them, so if you listen closely you can tell where the music has been overlapped


Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Final feedback

We all went round in groups looking at the other members of our class's work. if we had more time and could improve on our film we may have:
-used a more realistic body
-got more shots of inside the car
- made the music a bit less repetitive
and include more close ups from inside the barn, for example unlocking the barn door.

All the groups could see that it does include thriller genre conventions, for example the use of light created suspense and the music held freaky quality's. Some people perceived it to be a murder/mystery.

Some groups also thought the soundtrack was repetitive, however still effective. Others said that the use of diagetic sound was pimping! for example the car pulling up and the dragging of the body. 1 group also pointed out that the body wasn't realistic enough and clearly just rags and a coat... oww dear.

Several groups also commented on the end title how it fitted in with the theme of the sequence with the use of moving light, as well as the choice of font.

The groups also depicted from our sequence that it required more close ups for a more effective atmosphere.

when asked to decide what they thought would happen in the film, the groups all predicted similar things, for example find out who's body it was and about his past and who the murderer was. and why this person was killed?

in all we are happy with the comments we received


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Saturday, 8 March 2008

my view of the end project

overall i am very happy with how our project ahs turned out, and i am pleased with the end results. despite having a few problems when actually shooting with the camera, we managedto get a good variety of shots and i am pleased we did so .
we kept our editing very simple by using fades and cross dissolves.this helped our shots to flow better in to one another. it particually helped us in the end shot where the 'body' was being dragged into the barn as we worried people would not trust that it was a body so we broke the shot down to cut out some of the movement.
when choosing our titles, we had to agree on a font size and style. i am very pleased with the one which we have chose as it is quite bold but still small. i particually like the end title as we used the light from behind another shot to move across the titlee introducing each letter one at a time. i thought this worked very well.
if we has more time we may have adited the music a little more as in some places we thought it needed changing a little to help it flow better, however, we did add more diagetic sound of the car running which worked well to create more tension.
finally, i am very pleased with our idea, i think that keeping it simple helped and gave us lots of oppertunity to add the titles in clever places.


Thursday, 6 March 2008

This is it ..!

After Light

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Wednesday, 5 March 2008


We are pleased with the way our editing has gone; we have got all our titles in our sequence now and added a few transitions.
We are very pleased with our end title "after light", it came out just the way we wanted with the right font and comes up on the screen at the right time, I like the way it goes from black to white and shines which creates a supernatural feel to the sequence and makes an impact.
Were happy with the other titles also, the choice of font suits the scene and we like the names we chose.
I am very happy with the sound and think it goes well, there are sections where it jumps because it is hard to blend them together but we are working on it and shall sort it soon.
Not many transitions were used because we didn't want to make it to complicated, which can ruin a sequence, the video filters we used were fade and cross dissolve.
The visual style we are trying to create is an eerie, psychological thriller, we wanted a lot of suspense and tension in our sequence for example the audience would be wondering where the driver is going and why he is stopping at a barn. I think we have successfully achieved this.
To create this visual style we used the slow eerie music, the variety of interesting shots using just the car light in the dark and the clever titles.


Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Personal Views of Rough Cut 4/3/08

Personally i think that our Rough cut looked rather impressive for a draft version of our film. We managed to shoot all or footage, edit the shots down and practice adding titles and transitions, all within the time span. Of course their is more work needed to be done on the sequence, however i think we achieved what we needed to for our first cut. At the moment we are in the process of adding additional titles to the sequence and making sure each shot runs smoothly into the next using transitions (mainly fades and cross dissolves) We have also had to slow down one of our shots because the continuity of it doesn't match the majority of clips; the car is seen first as traveling slowly up the road and then the next shot (from inside the vehicle) shows the car moving significantly faster. We have also been editing our soundtrack, as the different stages of it don't link together and overlap like they should to make it sound professional.
